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Continuing Education Provider Information



PESI, Inc. works with many different boards to provide continuing education credit. Due to scope of practice and content criteria for each individual profession and jurisdiction, availability of credit offered by the organizations listed below varies by program and topic area.

Please note: Information posted below does not guarantee credit on any specific program.  For program-specific continuing education questions, please view the seminar brochure or webpage for complete details.

Please save the activity’s brochure or webpage and certificate of completion and contact your own board or organization for specific filing requirements to obtain approval.



Addiction Counselors

Addiction Counselors: NAADAC


PESI, Inc. is an approved provider of continuing education by the National Association of Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC), provider #: 00131. Full attendance is required; no partial credit will be awarded for partial attendance.

Canadian Addictions Counsellors

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved for CEUs by The Canadian Addiction Counsellors Certification Federation.

California Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Counselors (CAADAC)

PESI, Inc. is an approved provider with the California Association of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors. Provider #: OS-03-036-1023.

California Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Counselors (CADTP)

PESI, Inc. is an approved provider by California SUD Counselor Certification CADTP, Provider #: 201.

Connecticut Addiction Counselors

PESI, Inc. is an approved provider with the Connecticut Certification Board. Provider #120924.

Hawaii Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors

Hawaii Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved for CEUs by the Hawaii Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division for continuing education for Certified Substance Abuse Counselors (CSAC).

Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME)

The State of Hawaii Department of Health Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division (ADAD), pursuant to Policy and Procedure for Obtaining ADAD Approval for Continuing Education (CEs) for Trainings, confirms acceptance of continuing education programs that offer AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™. PESI is an accredited ACCME provider authorized to award credit by the AMA. PESI, Inc. is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

National Association of Social Workers (NASW)

The State of Hawaii Department of Health Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division (ADAD), pursuant to Policy and Procedure for Obtaining ADAD Approval for Continuing Education (CEs) for Trainings, confirms acceptance of continuing education programs approved by the National Association of Social Workers (NASW). Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by the National Association of Social Workers for continuing education contact hours.

Illinois Addiction Counselors

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by the IAODAPCA.

Michigan Addiction Counselors

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by the Michigan Certification Board for Addiction Professionals (MCBAP).

Mississippi Addiction Counselors

The Mississippi Association of Addiction Professionals (MAAP) recognizes courses and providers that are approved by NAADAC. PESI, Inc. is an approved provider of continuing education by the National Association of Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC), provider #: 00131. Full attendance is required; no partial credit will be awarded for partial attendance.

New York Addiction Professionals

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved for CEUs by OASAS. Board required certificates will be sent after the program.

Ohio Chemical Dependency Professionals

PESI, Inc. is an approved provider with the Ohio Chemical Dependency Professionals Board. Provider Number 50-399.

Oklahoma Alcohol & Drug Counselors

PESI, Inc. is an approved provider #20240032 with the Oklahoma Board of Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselors.

Pennsylvania Addiction Counselors

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by the Pennsylvania Certification Board.


Minnesota Superintendents, Principals, Supervisors, Directors of Special Education, Directors of Community Education, and Career & Technical/Vocational Administrators and Supervisors

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved for continuing education clock hours by the Minnesota Board of School Administrators.

Art Therapists

New York Creative Art Therapists

PESI, Inc. is recognized by the New York State Education Department's (NYSED) State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for Licensed Creative Art Therapists. #CAT-0087.

Athletic Trainers

Athletic Trainers: BOC

BOC Logo

PESI, Inc. is recognized by the Board of Certification, Inc. to offer continuing education for certified athletic trainers. Provider #: P3386.

Canadian Athletic Therapists

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by The Canadian Athletic Therapists Association.


Oklahoma Attorneys

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by the Oklahoma Bar Association Mandatory Continuing Legal Education Commission for CLE credit.

Tennessee Attorneys

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by the Tennessee Commission on Continuing Legal Education. Your attendance will be reported to the Tennessee CLE Commission.


ASHA CE approved provider

When applicable, our programs provide contact hours for Audiologists. Audiologists must complete the post-test and evaluation within two weeks of attending live events if they would like their participation submitted to the ASHA CE Registry. ASHA CEUs are awarded by the ASHA CE Registry upon receipt of the CEU Post Reporting from the ASHA Approved CE Provider.

Cardiovascular Technology Professionals

Cardiovascular Credentialing International (CCI) recognizes programs and providers approved by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation (ANCC). PESI, Inc. is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

Case Managers

CCM Logo

Our programs, when applicable, have been reviewed and awarded clock hours by the Commission for Case Manager Certification.

Certified Childbirth Educators/Doulas

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by the ICEA for contact hours.


Many states do not require pre-approval of continuing education offerings. Please check with your licensing board to determine your specific requirements. PESI will gladly apply to any state board when seminar material is appropriate for Chaplains/Clergy.


Chiropractors: PACE

PESI is recognized by the PACE program of the Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards. For a list of boards that accept PACE courses, please visit this website:

California Chiropractors

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by the California Board of Chiropractic Examiners.

Georgia Chiropractors

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by The Georgia Board of Chiropractic Examiners.

Hawaii Chiropractors

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by the Hawaii Board of Chiropractic.

Illinois Chiropractors

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by the Illinois Chiropractic Society's Continuing Medical Education Committee.

Missouri Chiropractors

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by the State Board of Chiropractic Examiners.


Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by the American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC).


Alaska Counselors

National Association of Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC)

The Board of Professional Counselors (12 AAC 62.320) confirms acceptance of continuing education programs relevant to counseling from providers approved by NAADAC. PESI, Inc. is an approved provider of continuing education by the National Association of Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC), provider #: 00131. Full attendance is required; no partial credit will be awarded for partial attendance.

National Association of Social Workers (NASW)

The Board of Professional Counselors (12 AAC 62.320) confirms acceptance of continuing education programs relevant to counseling from providers approved by NASW. Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by the National Association of Social Workers for continuing education contact hours.

Arizona Counselors

National Association of Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC)

The Arizona Board of Behavioral Health Examiners, pursuant to A.A.C. R4-6-802, confirms acceptance of continuing education programs relevant to counseling and approved by a national professional association of counseling, social work or substance abuse counseling. PESI, Inc. is an approved provider of continuing education by the National Association of Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC), provider #: 00131. Full attendance is required; no partial credit will be awarded for partial attendance.

National Association of Social Workers (NASW)

The Arizona Board of Behavioral Health Examiners, pursuant to A.A.C. R4-6-802, confirms acceptance of continuing education programs relevant to counseling and approved by a national professional association of counseling, social work or substance abuse counseling. Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by the National Association of Social Workers for continuing education contact hours.

Arkansas Counselors

Credit requirements and approvals vary per state board regulations. Please contact your licensing board to determine if they accept programs or providers approved by other national or state licensing boards.

California Counselors

The California Board of Behavioral Sciences accepts CE programs that are approved by other approval agencies, including several that approve PESI and its programs. A full list of approval agencies accepted by the BBS can be found at under “Where to find CE Courses.”

Canadian Counselors and Psychotherapists

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by The Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association.

Colorado Counselors

Indicated live activities are designed to meet the requirements of the Colorado State Board of Licensed Professional Counselor Examiners. Licensees can accrue up to 20 PDH in the Coursework category during each renewal cycle. Please save the certificate of completion in case it is requested by the board.

Connecticut Counselors

Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB)

The Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies confirm acceptance of programs as qualifying continuing education activities if approved by the Association of Social Work Boards (Sec. 20-195cc-3). PESI, Inc., #1062, is approved to offer social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program.

National Association of Social Workers (NASW)

The Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies (Sec. 20-195cc-3) confirm acceptance of programs as qualifying continuing education activities if approved by the National Association of Social Workers. Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by the National Association of Social Workers for continuing education contact hours.

Delaware Counselors

National Association of Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC)

The Delaware Board of Mental Health and Chemical Dependency Professionals (Admin Code: Title 24: Chapter 30) confirms acceptance of continuing education programs relevant to counseling and approved by NAADAC. PESI, Inc. is an approved provider of continuing education by the National Association of Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC), provider #: 00131. Full attendance is required; no partial credit will be awarded for partial attendance.

National Association of Social Workers (NASW)

The Delaware Board of Mental Health and Chemical Dependency Professionals (Admin Code: Title 24: Chapter 30) confirms acceptance of continuing education programs relevant to counseling and approved by the National Association for Social Work (NASW). Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by the National Association of Social Workers for continuing education contact hours.

District of Columbia Counselors

New York State Education Department's (NYSED) State Board for Mental Health Practitioners

The District of Columbia Municipal Regulations for Professional Counseling (S.6612.3) confirm acceptance of continuing education programs relevant to counseling by organizations that have been approved by a counseling board in another state. PESI, Inc. is recognized by the New York State Education Department's (NYSED) State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for Licensed Mental Health Counselors. #MHC-0033.

National Association of Social Workers (NASW)

The District of Columbia Municipal Regulations for Professional Counseling (S.6612.3) confirm acceptance of continuing education programs relevant to counseling by organizations that have been approved by the National Association of Social Workers. Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by the National Association of Social Workers for continuing education contact hours.

Florida Counselors

PESI, Inc. is an approved provider with the Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling. Provider Number 50-399.

Georgia Counselors

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by The Licensed Professional Counselors Association of Georgia.

Idaho Counselors

Credit requirements and approvals vary per state board regulations. Please contact your licensing board to determine if they accept programs or providers approved by other national or state licensing boards. A certificate of attendance will be awarded at the end of the program to participants who are in full attendance and who complete the program evaluation.

Illinois Counselors

The Illinois Division of Professional Regulation, Administrative Code Section 1375.220(c), confirms acceptance of continuing education programs relevant to counseling that are provided by a Social Work Continuing Education Sponsor approved by the Division. PESI, Inc is an approved provider with the State of Illinois, Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, Division of Professional Regulation. License #: 159-000154. Full attendance is required. No partial contact hours will be issued for partial attendance.

Indiana Counselors

National Association of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC)

The Rules of the Indiana Behavioral Health and Human Services Licensing Board (839 IAC 1·6·2) confirm acceptance of continuing education programs relevant to counseling that are approved by the National Association of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC). PESI, Inc. is an approved provider of continuing education by the National Association of Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC), provider #: 00131. Full attendance is required; no partial credit will be awarded for partial attendance.

State of Ohio Counselor, Social Worker and Marriage & Family Therapist Board

The Rules of the Indiana Behavioral Health and Human Services Licensing Board (839 IAC 1·6·2) confirm acceptance of continuing education programs relevant to counseling that are approved by another state’s mental health counselor board. PESI, Inc. is an approved provider with the State of Ohio Counselor, Social Worker and Marriage & Family Therapist Board. Provider approval #:RCST071001.

Iowa Counselors

Indicated programs are designed to meet the continuing education requirements of the Iowa Bureau of Professional Licensure, IAC 645–32.3(154D,272C). Please retain the course advertisement and certificate of completion for four years in your CE records.

Kentucky Counselors

Kentucky Board of Licensed Professional Counselors

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by The Kentucky Board of Licensed Professional Counselors.

South Carolina Board of Examiners for Licensure of Professional Counselors, Marriage and Family Therapists, and Psycho-Educational Specialists

The Continuing Education Requirements for the Kentucky Board of Licensed Professional Counselors (201 KAR 36:030 Section 2) state continuing education programs from providers sponsored or approved by a state counseling licensure board shall be approved without further review by the board. PESI, Inc. is approved by the South Carolina Board of Examiners for Licensure of Professional Counselors, Marriage and Family Therapists, and Psycho-Educational Specialists. Provider #4540. PESI maintains responsibility for this program and its contents.

Louisiana Counselors

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by the Louisiana Counseling Association as authorized by the Louisiana Professional Counselor Licensing Board of Examiners. Full attendance is required. No partial contact hours will be issued for partial attendance.

Maine Counselors

Indicated programs are designed to meet the continuing education requirements of the Maine Board of Counseling Professionals Licensure Rules (Chapter 7-A). Please retain course advertisements and certificates of completion for your CE records.

Maryland Counselors

The Maryland Board of Professional Counselors recognizes courses and providers that are approved by NAADAC. A certificate of attendance will be awarded at the end of the program to counselors who complete the program evaluation to submit to their state board. PESI, Inc. is an approved provider of continuing education by the National Association of Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC), provider #: 00131. Full attendance is required; no partial credit will be awarded for partial attendance.

Massachusetts Counselors

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved for MaMHCA/MMCEP hours for re-licensure, in accordance with 262 CMR.

Minnesota Counselors

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by The Minnesota Board of Behavioral Health and Therapy for credit hours for LPCs and LPCCs.

Mississippi Counselors

The Mississippi State Board of Examiners for Licensed Professional Counselors, Rule 6.2 allows live continuing education not pre-approved by the Board if relevant to counseling and presented by someone at the master’s level or above and trained in the mental health field or related services. CEH will be subject to approval by the Board at the time of renewal. Please retain the course advertisement and certificate of completion for your CE records. Full attendance is required.

Missouri Counselors

National Social Work Associations

The Missouri Committee for Professional Counselors accepts continuing education programs relevant to counseling that are provided by organizations recognized by national social worker associations. PESI, Inc. is recognized by a national social worker association. Please see social work approvals for individual programs.

National Association of Social Workers (NASW)

The Missouri Committee for Professional Counselors accepts continuing education programs relevant to counseling that are provided by organizations recognized by national social worker associations. Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by the National Association of Social Workers for continuing education contact hours.

Montana Counselors

The Montana Board of Behavioral Health no longer pre-approves any courses or sponsors. Each licensee is responsible for taking courses which contribute to their competence and directly relate to their scope of practice as defined in board statute (MAR 24-219-32). Licensees must keep CE documentation for three years in case of an audit.

Nebraska Counselors

Indicated programs meet the criteria of an approved continuing education program for mental health practice in the Nebraska Regulations Governing the Licensure of Mental Health Practitioners (Title 172, Chapter 94). Please retain the course advertisement and certificate of completion for your CE records.

Nevada Counselors

PESI, Inc. is an approved CEU provider with the State of Nevada Board of Examiners for Marriage and Family Therapists and Clinical Professional Counselors. Approved Provider # NVCEP2006.

New Hampshire Counselors

The New Hampshire Board of Mental Health Practice, Mhp 402.02, confirms acceptance of continuing education programs relevant to counseling that are approved by the National Association of Social Workers. Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by the National Association of Social Workers for continuing education contact hours.

New Jersey Counselors

National Association of Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC)

The New Jersey Professional Counselor Examiners Committee (pursuant to N.J.S.A. 13:34-15.4) confirms acceptance of continuing education programs relevant to counseling that are approved by the National Association of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC). PESI, Inc. is an approved provider of continuing education by the National Association of Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC), provider #: 00131. Full attendance is required; no partial credit will be awarded for partial attendance.

National Association of Social Workers (NASW)

The New Jersey Professional Counselor Examiners Committee (pursuant to N.J.S.A. 13:34-15.4) confirms acceptance of continuing education programs relevant to counseling that are approved by the National Association of Social Workers (NASW). Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by the National Association of Social Workers for continuing education contact hours.

New Mexico Counselors

PESI, Inc. is an approved continuing education provider by the New Mexico Counseling and Therapy Practice Board. Provider #CCE0180571. Provider approval period effective 03/28/2016 to 09/30/2024.

New York Counselors

PESI, Inc. is recognized by the New York State Education Department's (NYSED) State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for Licensed Mental Health Counselors. #MHC-0033.

North Carolina Counselors

National Association of Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC)

The North Carolina Board of Licensed Professional Counselors (Rule .0603) confirms acceptance of up to 15 contact hours per renewal period of continuing education programs approved by the National Association of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC). PESI, Inc. is an approved provider of continuing education by the National Association of Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC), provider #: 00131. Full attendance is required; no partial credit will be awarded for partial attendance..

National Association of Social Workers (NASW)

The North Carolina Board of Licensed Professional Counselors (Rule .0603) confirms acceptance of up to 15 contact hours per renewal period of continuing education programs approved by the National Association of Social Workers (NASW). Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by the National Association of Social Workers for continuing education contact hours.

North Dakota Counselors

Indicated programs consist of continuing education instruction for North Dakota Counselors and is designed to meet the continuing education requirements of the North Dakota Board of Counselor Examiners. Please retain the course advertisement and certificate of completion for your CE records.

Ohio Counselors

PESI, Inc. is an approved provider with the State of Ohio Counselor, Social Worker and Marriage & Family Therapist Board. Provider approval #: RCST071001.

Oklahoma Counselors

PESI, Inc. is recognized as a Board Approved Continuing Education Provider by the Oklahoma State Board of Behavioral Health Licensure (BBHL).

Oregon Counselors

Credit requirements and approvals vary per state board regulations. Please contact your licensing board to determine if they accept programs or providers approved by other national or state licensing boards. A certificate of attendance will be awarded at the end of the program to participants who are in full attendance and who complete the program evaluation.

Pennsylvania Counselors

National Association Approvals

The Pennsylvania State Board of Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists and Professional Counselors accepts many national association CE approvals, several of which PESI offers. For a full list, please see your State Board regulations at

Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB)

The Pennsylvania State Board of Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists and Professional Counselors confirms under 49 Pa. Code S.49.36 that CE providers approved by the ACE Program of the Association of Social Work Boards meet the Board standards and qualify as approved providers. PESI, Inc. is an approved provider.

National Association of Social Workers (NASW)

The Pennsylvania State Board of Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists and Professional Counselors confirms acceptance of continuing education programs relevant to counseling that are approved by the National Association of Social Workers (49 Pa. Code S.49.36). Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by the National Association of Social Workers for continuing education contact hours.

Rhode Island Counselors

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by The Rhode Island Mental Health Counselor's Association.

South Carolina Counselors

PESI, Inc. is an approved provider with the South Carolina Board of Examiners for Licensure of Professional Counselors, Marriage and Family Therapists, and Psycho-Educational Specialists. Provider #4540.

South Dakota Counselors

Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME)

The South Dakota Administrative Rules (ARSD20:68:07) confirm acceptance of continuing education programs relevant to counseling that offer AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™. PESI is an accredited ACCME provider authorized to award credit by the AMA.

National Association of Social Workers (NASW)

The Pennsylvania State Board of Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists and Professional Counselors confirms acceptance of continuing education programs relevant to counseling that are approved by the National Association of Social Workers (49 Pa. Code S.49.36). Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by the National Association of Social Workers for continuing education contact hours.

Tennessee Counselors

The Rules of the Board for Licensed Professional Counselors, Licensed Marital and Family Therapists, and Licensed Clinical Pastoral Therapists, Section 0450-01-.12, confirm continuing education courses which pertain to the practice of counseling shall be considered approved if sanctioned by any state regulatory agency for professional counseling in the United States. PESI, Inc. is approved by the South Carolina Board of Examiners for Licensure of Professional Counselors, Marriage and Family Therapists, and Psycho-Educational Specialists. Provider #4540.

Texas Counselors

The Texas State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors no longer approves programs or providers. PESI activities meet the continuing education requirements as listed in Title 22 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 681, Subchapter J, Section 681.142 Acceptable Continuing Education. Please retain the certificate of completion that you receive and use as proof of completion when required.

Utah Counselors

Indicated courses are designed to meet the continuing education requirements of the Clinical Mental Health Counselor Licensing Act Rule, R156-60c. Please retain the course advertisement and certificate of completion for your CE records.

Vermont Counselors

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by the Board of Allied Mental Health Practitioners (BAMHP) for continuing education credits.

Virginia Counselors

National Association of Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC)

The Virginia Board of Counseling recognizes continuing competency activities in the behavioral health field offered by organizations that are approved by NAADAC (18VAC115-20-105). PESI, Inc. is an approved provider of continuing education by the National Association of Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC), provider #: 00131. Full attendance is required; no partial credit will be awarded for partial attendance.

National Association of Social Workers (NASW)

The Pennsylvania State Board of Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists and Professional Counselors confirms acceptance of continuing education programs relevant to counseling that are approved by the National Association of Social Workers (49 Pa. Code S.49.36). Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by the National Association of Social Workers for continuing education contact hours.

New York State Education Department's (NYSED) State Board for Mental Health Practitioners

The Virginia Board of Counseling recognizes continuing competency activities in the behavioral health field offered by organizations that are approved by a counseling board in another state (18VAC115-20-105). PESI, Inc. is recognized by the New York State Education Department's (NYSED) State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for Licensed Mental Health Counselors. #MHC-0033.

Washington Counselors

Washington Mental Health Counselors Association (WMHCA)

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by for credit for Washington Licensed Mental Health Counselors, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists and Licensed Clinical Social Workers. WMHCA Provider #1504.

National Association of Social Workers (NASW)

The Washington State Department of Health confirms acceptance (WAC 246-809-610) of continuing education programs relevant to counseling that feature instructors, speakers or a panel approved by the National Association of Social Workers. Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by the National Association of Social Workers for continuing education contact hours.

West Virginia Counselors

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by The West Virginia Board of Examiners in Counseling.

Wisconsin Counselors

Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB)

The Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services (MPSW 19) accepts continuing education programs relevant to counseling by approved providers of the Association of Social Work Boards (Sec. 20-195cc-3). PESI, Inc., #1062, is approved to offer social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program.

National Association of Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC)

The Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services (MPSW 19) confirms acceptance of continuing education programs relevant to counseling that are approved by NAADAC. PESI, Inc. is an approved provider of continuing education by the National Association of Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC), provider #: 00131. Full attendance is required; no partial credit will be awarded for partial attendance.

National Association of Social Workers (NASW)

The Washington State Department of Health confirms acceptance (WAC 246-809-610) of continuing education programs relevant to counseling that feature instructors, speakers or a panel approved by the National Association of Social Workers. Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by the National Association of Social Workers for continuing education contact hours.

Wyoming Counselors

Indicated courses are designed to meet the continuing education requirements of the Wyoming Mental Health Professions Licensing Board. Please retain the course advertisement and certificate of completion for your CE records.

Early Childhood

Tennessee Early Childcare Educators

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by The Tennessee Department of Human Services (TDHS) for professional development clock hours.

Illinois Early Intervention Professionals

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by The Illinois Early Intervention Training Program.


Educators: General

Our programs, when applicable, qualify for instructional content as required by many national and state licensing boards and professional organizations. Save your course outline and certificate of completion, and contact your own board or organization for specific requirements.

Arizona Teachers

Our programs, when applicable, are designed to qualify for Professional Development. Please retain your CE certificate in your records or use for submission as proof of completion when required.

Connecticut Educators and Administrators

CT Dept of Education

Our programs, when applicable, are designed for educators and administrators and may qualify towards your professional development. Please check with your district or Professional Development and Evaluation Committee (PDEC) for approval.

Illinois Educators


Our programs, when applicable ISBE Professional Development (PD) Clock Hours will be made available through Quincy University.

Indiana Educators

Our programs, when applicable, offer Professional Growth Points per the Indiana Department of Education standards.

Kentucky Educators

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by The Kentucky Department of Education.

Massachusetts School Personnel

Indicated courses may be applicable for Professional Development Points toward your Professional Development Plan per the Massachusetts Department of Education recertification guidelines; check with your licensing authority for more information.

Michigan School Personnel & Educators

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved for State Board Continuing Education Units (SB-CEUs).

Montana Educators

Indicated programs are offered for Renewal Units. PESI, Inc. is an Approved Renewal Unit Provider with the Montana Office of Public Instruction.

New Mexico Educators and Administrators

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by The University of New Mexico, Division of Continuing Education & Community Services.

New York Educators

PESI, Inc. is an approved sponsor of CTLE with the New York State Education Department's (NYSED) Office of Teaching Initiatives. Provider #23567.

Pennsylvania Educators & School Personnel

When applicable, ACT 48 Hours will be made available through Capital Area Intermediate Unit (CAIU).

Texas Educators

PESI, Inc., has been approved as a CPE Provider #500-981 for Texas Educators by the Texas State Board for Educator Certification (SBED).

Washington Educators & Administrators

When applicable, Clock Hours will be made available through Puget Sound ESD.

Wisconsin Educators

Applicable courses may be used toward your Professional Development Plan if it meets your individual goals. Please contact DPI with questions regarding individual PDP’s.

Professional Guardians

Washington Certified Professional Guardians

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by The Professional Guardian Certification Board.

International Professionals' CPD

PESI, Inc. offers quality online continuing professional development events from the leaders in the field at a standard recognised by professional associations including psychology, social work, occupational therapy, alcohol and drug professionals, counselling and psychotherapy.

Lactation Consultants

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by The IBLCE

Licensed Educational Psychologists

California Licensed Educational Psychologists

The California Board of Behavioral Sciences accepts CE programs that are approved by other approval agencies, including several that approve PESI and its programs. A full list of approval agencies accepted by the BBS can be found at under “Where to find CE Courses.”

Marriage & Family Therapists

California Marriage & Family Therapists

The California Board of Behavioral Sciences accepts CE programs that are approved by other approval agencies, including several that approve PESI and its programs. A full list of approval agencies accepted by the BBS can be found at under “Where to find CE Courses.”

Florida Marriage & Family Therapists

PESI, Inc. is an approved provider with the Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling. Provider Number 50-399.

Georgia Marriage & Family Therapists

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by The Georgia Association for Marriage & Family Therapy for continuing education hours for licensed marriage and family therapists.

Illinois Marriage & Family Therapists

PESI, Inc. has been approved as a provider of continuing education by the State of Illinois, Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, Division of Professional Regulation. Provider #: 168-000156.

Kentucky Marriage & Family Therapists

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by The Kentucky Board of Licensure of Marriage & Family Therapists.

Louisiana Marriage & Family Therapists

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by The Louisiana Association for Marriage and Family Therapy.

Massachusetts Marriage & Family Therapists

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and certified by NEAFAST on behalf of the Massachusetts Board of Registration of Allied Mental Health & Human Services Professions for LMFT professional continuing education.

Minnesota Marriage & Family Therapists

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by The Minnesota Board of Marriage & Family Therapists.

Mississippi Marriage & Family Therapists

PESI, Inc. is an approved provider with the Mississippi State Board of Examiners for Social Workers and Marriage & Family Therapists. Provider #: TCE0005.

Montana Marriage & Family Therapists

The Montana Board of Behavioral Health no longer pre-approves any courses or sponsors. Each licensee is responsible for taking courses which contribute to their competence and directly relate to their scope of practice as defined in board statute (MAR 24-219-32). Licensees must keep CE documentation for three years in case of an audit.

Nevada Marriage & Family Therapists

PESI, Inc. is an approved CEU provider with the State of Nevada Board of Examiners for Marriage and Family Therapists and Clinical Professional Counselors. Approved Provider # NVCEP2006.

New York Marriage & Family Therapists

PESI, Inc. is recognized by the New York State Education Department's (NYSED) State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists. #MFT-0024.

North Dakota Marriage & Family Therapists

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by The North Dakota Marriage and Family Therapy Licensure Board.

Ohio Marriage & Family Therapists

PESI, Inc. is an approved provider with the State of Ohio Counselor, Social Worker and Marriage & Family Therapist Board. Provider approval #: RCST071001.

Oklahoma Marital & Family Therapists

PESI, Inc. is recognized as a Board Approved Continuing Education Provider by the Oklahoma State Board of Behavioral Health Licensure (BBHL).

Pennsylvania Marriage & Family Therapists

The Pennsylvania State Board of Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists and Professional Counselors accepts many national association CE approvals, several of which PESI offers. For a full list, please see your State Board regulations at

South Carolina Marriage & Family Therapists

PESI, Inc. is an approved provider with the South Carolina Board of Examiners for Licensure of Professional Counselors, Marriage and Family Therapists, and Psycho-Educational Specialists. Provider #4540.

Tennessee Marriage and Family Therapists

The Rules of the Board for Licensed Professional Counselors, Licensed Marital and Family Therapists, and Licensed Clinical Pastoral Therapists, Section 0450-02-.12, confirm continuing education courses which pertain to the practice of Marital and Family Therapists shall be considered approved if sanctioned by any state regulatory agency for marital and family therapy in the United States. PESI, Inc. is approved by the South Carolina Board of Examiners for Licensure of Professional Counselors, Marriage and Family Therapists, and Psycho-Educational Specialists. Provider #4540.

Texas Marriage & Family Therapists

The Texas State Board of Examiners of Marriage and Family Therapists no longer approves programs or providers. PESI activities meet the continuing education requirements as listed in Title 22 of the Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 801, Subchapter K, Section 801.264 Types of Acceptable Continuing Education. Please retain the certificate of completion that you receive and use as proof of completion when required.

Washington Marriage & Family Therapists

The Washington State Department of Health confirms acceptance (WAC 246-809-610) of continuing education programs relevant to counseling that feature instructors, speakers or a panel approved by the National Association of Social Workers. Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by the National Association of Social Workers for continuing education contact hours.

Wisconsin Marriage & Family Therapists

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by The Wisconsin Association for Marriage and Family Therapy.

Massage Therapists

Massage Therapists: NCBTMB

PESI, Inc. is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider. Provider #1808.

Arkansas Massage Therapists

Activities that are approved by the NCBTMB and are taught in other states or activities that are approved by another state massage office or board are acceptable to use for credit hours towards license renewal.

Florida Massage Therapists

PESI, Inc. is approved by the Florida Board of Massage Therapy as a continuing education Approved Provider. Provider #50-399.

Louisiana Massage Therapists

PESI, Inc. is an approved provider with the Louisiana Massage Therapy Board, Provider #LAP277. Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved for credit.

New York Massage Therapists

PESI, Inc. is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider and is also sponsored by NCBTMB to teach New York LMTs continuing education that is accepted by the state of New York for license renewal. Provider #1808.

Nurses and Nurse Practitioners

Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, and Clinical Nurse Specialists: ANCC

American Nurses Credentialing Center Logo

PESI, Inc. is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

Nurse Practitioners: AANP

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by The American Association of Nurse Practitioners.

Pediatric Nurse Practitioners

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners.

California Nurses

PESI, Inc. is a provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number 17118.

Florida Nurses

PESI, Inc. is an approved provider with the Florida Board of Nursing, Provider # FBN2858.

Gastroenterology Nurses

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by the American Board of Certification for Gastroenterology Nurses (ABCGN).

Iowa Nurses

PESI, Inc. is an approved provider by the Iowa Board of Nursing. Provider #: 346.

Orthopaedic Nurses

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by The Orthopaedic Nurses Certification Board.

Nursing Home Administrators

Nursing Home Administrators: NAB

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by the National Continuing Education Review Service (NCERS) of the National Association of Long Term Care Administrator Boards (NAB).

Florida Nursing Home Administrators

PESI, Inc. is an approved provider with the Florida Board of Nursing Home Administrators. Provider #50-399.

Occupational Therapists

Occupational Therapists: AOTA

PESI, Inc. is an AOTA Approved Provider of professional development. Provider #3322. Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by the AOTA. The assignment of AOTA CEUs does not imply endorsement of specific course content, products, or clinical procedures by AOTA.

Arizona Occupational Therapists & Occupational Therapy Assistants

The Arizona Board of Occupational Therapy Examiners (R4-43-203) confirms acceptance of continuing education programs relevant to occupational therapy that are approved by the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA). Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by the AOTA.

Canadian Occupational Therapists & Occupational Therapy Assistants

PESI programs may qualify for continuing professional education credit. Please save the course outline and the certificate of completion and contact your provincial board or organization to determine specific filing requirements.

Florida Occupational Therapists & Occupational Therapy Assistants

PESI, Inc. is an approved provider with the Florida Board of Occupational Therapy Practice. Provider Number: 50-399.

Kansas Occupational Therapists & Occupational Therapy Assistants

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by the Kansas Occupational Therapy Association.


Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by the Commission on Accreditation for Prehospital Continuing Education (CAPCE).

Personal Trainers

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM-BOC).

Physical Therapists

Alaska Physical Therapists & Physical Therapist Assistants

The Board Rule 12 AAC 54.420 confirms acceptance of continuing education programs that are recognized by other state physical therapy licensing boards. PESI, Inc. is recognized by the Physical Therapy Board of California as an approval agency to approve providers.

Arizona Physical Therapists & Physical Therapist Assistants

Arizona Physical Therapy Association

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by The Arizona Physical Therapy Association.

American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA)

The Arizona State Board of Physical Therapy recognizes continuing competence activities that have been approved by any state PT association or national medical/health care association (e.g., AOTA, ASHA). Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by the AOTA.

Arkansas Physical Therapists & Physical Therapist Assistants

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by The Arkansas Physical Therapy Association.

California Physical Therapists & Physical Therapist Assistants


PESI, Inc. is recognized by the Physical Therapy Board of California as an approval agency to approve providers.

Delaware Physical Therapists & Physical Therapist Assistants

Delaware Examining Board of Physical Therapists and Athletic Trainers

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by The Delaware Examining Board of Physical Therapists and Athletic Trainers.

State Physical Therapy Licensing Board

The Delaware Examining Board of Physical Therapists and Athletic Trainers accepts CEUs approved by a national governing body (e.g., APTA, BOC) or a fellow state licensing board during the current licensing period. Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by other state physical therapy licensing boards.

Florida Physical Therapists & Physical Therapist Assistants

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by The Florida Physical Therapy Association.

Georgia Physical Therapists

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by The Physical Therapy Association of Georgia.

Hawaii Physical Therapists & Physical Therapist Assistants

Hawaii Board of Physical Therapy

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by The Hawaii Board of Physical Therapy.

Physical Therapy Board of California

The Continuing Competence Requirements Under HRS Chapter 461J-10.13 for Hawaii Licensed Physical Therapists part III. A. 3. confirms acceptance of continuing education programs that are recognized by other state physical therapy licensing boards. PESI, Inc. is recognized by the Physical Therapy Board of California as an approval agency to approve providers.

Illinois Physical Therapists & Physical Therapist Assistants

PESI, Inc. is a Registered Physical Therapy Continuing Education Sponsor through the State of Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, Division of Professional Regulation. License #: 216.000270.

Indiana Physical Therapists & Physical Therapist Assistants

Indiana Administrative Code 842 IAC 1-7-5(9) confirms that programs approved by the APTA are automatically accepted by the Indiana Board of Physical Therapy. Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by one or more state APTA chapters.

Kansas Physical Therapists & Physical Therapist Assistants

Kansas Physical Therapy Association

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by The Kansas Physical Therapy Association.

State APTA Chapter

The Kansas State Board of Healing Arts confirms that programs approved by the APTA are automatically accepted for continuing education for physical therapists. Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by one or more state APTA chapters

Course Content Requirements

Our activities, when applicable, are designed to meet the continuing education requirements of the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts, 100-29-9(d-f). Please retain the course advertisement and certificate of completion for your CE records.

Kentucky Physical Therapists & Physical Therapist Assistants

Kentucky Physical Therapy Association

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by The Kentucky Physical Therapy Association to provide continuing education credit to physical therapists and physical therapist assistants with a Kentucky license/certification.

State of Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, Division of Professional Regulation

The rule under 201 KAR 22:045, Section 2, (2)(a) states that category 1 continued competency credits can be earned from providers approved by another physical therapy licensing agency. PESI, Inc. is a Registered Physical Therapy Continuing Education Sponsor through the State of Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, Division of Professional Regulation. License #: 216.000270. Participants must attend at least three (3) contact hours to receive Category I credit. Participants who complete less than three (3) contact hours will receive Category II credit.

Louisiana Physical Therapists & Physical Therapist Assistants

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by The Louisiana Physical Therapy Board.

Maryland Physical Therapists & Physical Therapist Assistants

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by The Maryland State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners.

Massachusetts Physical Therapists & Physical Therapy Assistants

The Massachusetts Board of Allied Health Professionals confirms that programs directly related to the practice of physical therapy which are reviewed and approved by the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) are accepted for continuing competence points for physical therapists (259 Mass. Reg. 7.03(2)(b)). Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by the AOTA.

Michigan Physical Therapists & Physical Therapist Assistants

Regulation R. 338.7163 states the Michigan Board of Physical Therapy accepts continuing education if it is approved by another state board of physical therapy. PESI, Inc. is a Registered Physical Therapy Continuing Education Sponsor through the State of Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, Division of Professional Regulation. License #: 216.000270.

Minnesota Physical Therapists & Physical Therapist Assistants

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by the Minnesota Board of Physical Therapy.

Mississippi Physical Therapists & Physical Therapist Assistants

Mississippi State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by the Mississippi State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners.

State APTA Chapter

Per Mississippi Regulation Part 3103 Rule 5.4(1)(b) this course will be accepted by the Mississippi State Board of Physical Therapy. The Board accepts courses approved by the APTA or its state chapters and sections. Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by one or more state APTA chapters

Nevada Physical Therapists & Physical Therapist Assistants

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by the Nevada State Board of Physical Therapy.

New Jersey Physical Therapists & Physical Therapist Assistants

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by the New Jersey Board of Physical Therapy Examiners.

New Mexico Physical Therapists & Physical Therapist Assistants

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by the New Mexico Chapter of the American Physical Therapy Association (NMAPTA).

New York Physical Therapists & Physical Therapist Assistants

PESI, Inc. is recognized by the New York State Education Department, State Board for Physical Therapy as an approved provider for physical therapy and physical therapy assistant continuing education.

North Carolina Physical Therapists & Physical Therapist Assistants

PESI, Inc. is an approved provider with the Illinois Division of Professional Regulation, Provider Number: 216-000071. This intermediate course is approved by the North Carolina Board of Physical Therapy Examiners by virtue of PESI Inc. approved provider status with the Illinois Division of Professional Regulation.

Ohio Physical Therapists & Physical Therapist Assistants

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by the Ohio Physical Therapy Association.

Oklahoma Physical Therapists, Physical Therapist Assistants

Oklahoma Administrative Code 435:20-9-3.1 confirms acceptance of continuing education programs offered by providers approved by other state physical therapy licensing boards. PESI, Inc. is a Registered Physical Therapy Continuing Education Sponsor through the State of Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, Division of Professional Regulation. License #: 216.000270.

Pennsylvania Physical Therapists & Physical Therapist Assistants

The Pennsylvania State Board of Physical Therapy recognizes approval by all other state boards. Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by one or more state boards.

South Carolina Physical Therapists & Physical Therapist Assistants

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by The South Carolina Chapter of the American Physical Therapy Association.

Tennessee Physical Therapists & Physical Therapist Assistants

Tennessee Physical Therapy Association

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by The Tennessee Physical Therapy Association.

New York State Education Department, State Board for Physical Therapy

Rule 1150-01-.12(5)(d) states the Tennessee Board of Physical Therapy accepts continuing education if it is approved by another state board of physical therapy. PESI, Inc. is recognized by the New York State Education Department, State Board for Physical Therapy as an approved provider for physical therapy continuing education.

Texas Physical Therapists & Physical Therapist Assistants

PESI, Inc. is an approved provider with The Texas Board of Physical Therapy Examiners, Accredited Provider #2406032TX.

Utah Physical Therapists and Physical Therapist Assistants

DOPL does not pre-approve CE courses. When applicable, our programs meet the continuing education requirements of the Utah Physical Therapy Practice Act Rule R156-24b-303b.2.c.iv. Please retain a copy of the advertising brochure and your certificate of completion to provide to DOPL if requested.

Vermont Physical Therapists & Physical Therapist Assistants

The Board confirms acceptance of continuing education programs that are recognized by other state physical therapy licensing boards. PESI, Inc. is a Registered Physical Therapy Continuing Education Sponsor through the State of Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, Division of Professional Regulation. License #: 216.000270.

Virginia Physical Therapists & Physical Therapy Assistants

Regulation 18VAC112-20-131, Section B, (1)(c) states that type 1 continued competency credits can be earned by attending courses that are directly related to the clinical practice of physical therapy and have been approved by local, state, or federal government agencies. PESI, Inc. is a Registered Physical Therapy Continuing Education Sponsor through the State of Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, Division of Professional Regulation. License #: 216.000270.

West Virginia Physical Therapists & Physical Therapist Assistants

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by The West Virginia Board of Physical Therapy.

Wisconsin Physical Therapists & Physical Therapist Assistants

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by The Wisconsin Physical Therapy Association.

Physician Assistants

American Academy of Physician Assistants (AAPA)


Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by The American Academy of Physician Assistants Review Panel.

Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME)

AAPA accepts certificates of participation for educational activities certified for AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ from organizations accredited by ACCME. PESI, Inc. is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.



PESI, Inc. is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.


Canadian Physiotherapists

CE requirements for physical therapists vary per provincial/jurisdiction. Please retain the certificate of completion that you receive and use as proof of completion when required.

Play Therapists

PESI, Inc. is an APT Approved Provider 05-165.


PESI, Inc. is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

Psycho-Educational Specialists

South Carolina Psycho-Educational Specialists

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by The South Carolina Board of Examiners for Licensure of Professional Counselors, Marriage and Family Therapists, and Psycho-Educational Specialists. Provider #4540.


Psychologists: APA

APA Logo

PESI, Inc. is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. PESI maintains responsibility programs and content. CE varies by program, please see CE details to determine APA availability.

Alaska Psychologists

The Alaska Statutes and Regulations section 12 AAC 60.300 (b) confirms acceptance of continuing education programs relevant to psychology from providers approved by the American Medical Association (AMA). PESI is an accredited ACCME provider authorized to award credit by the AMA.

Arizona Psychologists

When applicable, activities are designed to meet the requirements of the Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners (Sec. R4-26). Please save the course outline, certificate of completion, and any supporting documentation you receive.

Arkansas Psychologists

Section 9.1.A(2)(a) of the Arkansas Psychology Board Rules and Regulations confirms acceptance of continuing education programs relevant to psychology from providers approved by the American Medical Association (AMA). PESI is an accredited ACCME provider authorized to award credit by the AMA.

California Psychologists

The California Board of Psychology recognizes and accepts for continuing education credit courses that are specifically applicable and pertinent to the practice of psychology and by entities approved by the ACCME (Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education). PESI is an accredited ACCME provider authorized to award credit by the AMA.

Canadian Psychologists

PESI, Inc. is approved by the Canadian Psychological Association to offer continuing education for psychologists.

Colorado Psychologists

The Colorado State Board of Examiners Rule 20 confirms acceptance of continuing education programs relevant to psychology from providers approved by the American Medical Association (AMA). PESI is an accredited ACCME provider authorized to award credit by the AMA.

Connecticut Psychologists

CT Gen Stat Sec. 20-191c Continuing Education (b)(3) confirms acceptance of continuing education programs relevant to psychology from a nationally recognized provider of continuing education seminars. PESI, Inc. is a nationally recognized provider of continuing education seminars with multiple national CE approvals.

Delaware Psychologists

When applicable, educational activities meets the continuing education requirements specified in Section 10.0 of the Delaware Board of Examiners of Psychologists Rules and Regulations. Please keep your program brochure and certificate of attendance to support the following criteria: relevance, stated objectives, qualified faculty and attendance.

Florida Psychologists

PESI, Inc., is an approved provider with the Florida Board of Psychology. Provider Number 50-399.

Georgia Psychologists

The Rules and Regulations of the State of Georgia, Chapter 510-8, Section 3 confirms acceptance of continuing education programs relevant to psychology from providers approved by the American Medical Association (AMA). PESI is an accredited ACCME provider authorized to award credit by the AMA.

Hawaii Psychologists

Hawaii Revised Statutes Sec. 465-11 confirms acceptance of continuing education programs relevant to psychology from providers approved by state or provincial psychological associations. PESI, Inc. is approved by the Ohio Psychological Association, Provider #263896894, to sponsor continuing education for psychologists.

Idaho Psychologists

The Rules of the Idaho State Board of Psychologists Examiners, Section 402, confirm acceptance of continuing education programs relevant to psychology from providers offered in association with or under the auspices of a state psychological association. PESI, Inc. is approved by the Ohio Psychological Association, Provider #263896894, to sponsor continuing education for psychologists.

Illinois Psychologists

PESI, Inc is an approved provider with the State of Illinois, Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, Division of Professional Regulation. License #: 268.000102. Full attendance is required. No partial contact hours will be issued for partial attendance.

Iowa Psychologists

When applicable, our programs are designed to meet the continuing education requirements of the Iowa Board of Psychology (IAC Subrule 241.3(1) general criteria).

Kansas Psychologists

When applicable, our programs are designed to meet the requirements of the Kansas Board of Psychology (Sec.102-1-15). PESI is a nationally accredited provider of continuing education. Please retain the activity advertisement and certificate of attendance for your CE records.

Kentucky Psychologists

PESI, Inc. is approved by the Kentucky Board of Examiners of Psychology to offer continuing education for psychologists.

Maine Psychologists

Pursuant to Board Rules Chapter 8 Section 3 (2), PESI courses directly relating to the practice of psychology are approved by the Maine Board of Examiners of Psychologists because PESI has been approved to offer continuing education for Psychologists by a state regulatory board having legal jurisdiction over the practice of psychology. PESI, Inc. is an approved provider with the Florida Board of Psychology. Provider Number 50-399.

Maryland Psychologists

Pursuant to COMAR 10.36.02, the Maryland Board of Examiners of Psychologists accepts continuing education programs relevant to psychology from providers approved by the American Medical Association (AMA). PESI is an accredited ACCME provider authorized to award credit by the AMA.

Minnesota Psychologists

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by The Minnesota Board of Psychology.

Mississippi Psychologists

The Continuing Education For Psychologists Section of the Mississippi Board of Psychology website confirms acceptance of continuing education programs relevant to psychology from providers approved by the American Medical Association (AMA). PESI is an accredited ACCME provider authorized to award credit by the AMA.

Missouri Psychologists

American Medical Association (AMA)

The Rules of Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions and Professional Registration Division 2235-State Committee of Psychologists Chapter-Continuing Education (1) confirms acceptance of continuing education programs relevant to psychology from providers approved by the American Medical Association (AMA). PESI is an accredited ACCME provider authorized to award credit by the AMA.

Ohio Psychological Association

The Rules of Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions and Professional Registration Division 2235-State Committee of Psychologists Chapter-Continuing Education (1) confirms acceptance of continuing education programs relevant to psychology that are approved by a state psychological association. PESI, Inc. is approved by the Ohio Psychological Association, Provider #263896894, to sponsor continuing education for psychologists.

Montana Psychologists

Any PESI-approved continuing education activity is accepted by the Montana Board of Psychologists. Please save the certificate of completion you receive from this live activity.

Nebraska Psychologists

The Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services Regulation and Licensure, Title 172, Chapter 55 confirms acceptance of continuing education programs relevant to psychology from providers approved by the American Medical Association (AMA). PESI is an accredited ACCME provider authorized to award credit by the AMA.

Nevada Psychologists

State of Nevada Board of Psychological Examiners

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by The State of Nevada Board of Psychological Examiners.

American Medical Association (AMA)

The State of Nevada Board of Psychological Examiners, NAC 641.1363 confirms acceptance of continuing education programs relevant to psychology from providers approved by the American Medical Association (AMA). PESI is an accredited ACCME provider authorized to award credit by the AMA.

New Hampshire Psychologists

National Association of School Psychologists (NASP)

The New Hampshire Office of Professional Licensure and Certification Board of Psychologists, Psyc 402.01 confirms acceptance of continuing education programs relevant to psychology that are approved by the National Association of School Psychologists. PESI, Inc. is approved by the National Association of School Psychologists to offer professional development for school psychologists. Provider #1140.

National Association of Social Workers (NASW)

The New Hampshire Office of Professional Licensure and Certification Board of Psychologists, Psyc 402.01 confirms acceptance of continuing education programs relevant to psychology that are approved by the National Association of Social Workers (NASW). Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by The National Association of Social Workers.

New Jersey Psychologists

The New Jersey Administrative Code, Title 13 Law and Public Safety, Chapter 42, Board of Psychological Examiners, Section 13:42-10.21 Continuing Education Programs, confirms acceptance of continuing education programs relevant to psychology from providers approved by the American Medical Association (AMA). PESI is an accredited ACCME provider authorized to award credit by the AMA.

New Mexico Psychologists

The New Mexico State Board of Psychologist Examiners CPE Program Categories A(1)(c) confirms acceptance of continuing education programs relevant to psychology from providers approved by the American Medical Association (AMA). PESI is an accredited ACCME provider authorized to award credit by the AMA.

New York Psychologists

PESI, Inc. is recognized by the New York State Education Department's (NYSED) State Board for Psychology as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed psychologists, #PSY-0014.

North Carolina Psychologists

When applicable, educational activities are designed to meet the Category B Requirements of the North Carolina Psychology Board, provided it is within your scope of practice of psychology. Please retain all documents to provide to your board should this be requested of you.

North Dakota Psychologists

North Dakota State Board of Psychologist Examiners

PESI, Inc. was approved by the North Dakota State Board of Psychologist Examiners to sponsor this continuing education program for psychologists.

National Social Work Associations

The North Dakota State Board of Psychologist Examiners, pursuant to 66-03-01-03, confirms acceptance of continuing education programs for content related to practice authorized in North Dakota (century code 43-32) for programs approved by certain CE associations. When printing your certificate, please include any national social work approvals.

Ohio Psychologists

PESI, Inc. is approved by the Ohio Psychological Association, Provider #263896894, to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. When applicable, educational activities qualify for continuing education clock hours.

Oklahoma Psychologists

The Oklahoma State Board of Examiners of Psychologists’ Recognized Sponsors of Continuing Education confirms acceptance of continuing education programs relevant to psychology from providers approved by the American Medical Association (AMA). PESI is an accredited ACCME provider authorized to award credit by the AMA.

Oregon Psychologists

Our programs, when applicable, are designed to meet the requirements of the Oregon Board of Psychology. Please save the course outline, certificate of completion, and any other supporting documentation you receive from the activity in case it is requested by the board.

Pennsylvania Psychologists

PESI, Inc. is approved by the Pennsylvania State Board of Psychology to offer continuing education for psychologists. Provider #PSY000211.

Rhode Island Psychologists

Rhode Island Regulation 15.9.2 confirms acceptance of continuing education programs for psychologists from organizations that offer any continuing education program relevant to psychology and sponsored or approved by other recognized professional psychological organizations; including the national and state professional associations for all licensed mental health professions in this state. Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by The Rhode Island Mental Health Counselors Association.

South Carolina Psychologists

Licensees can report up to 12 Category B credit hours per renewal period. Please retain course documentation for your records.

Tennessee Psychologists

: When applicable, courses are designed to meet Type II CE of the Tennessee Board of Examiners of Psychology. The Board accepts approvals by any recognized national credentialing body. Please retain all documents to provide to your board should this be requested of you.

Texas Psychologists

Pursuant to Board rule 461.11, the Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists accepts programs by formally organized groups providing professional development that is directly related to the practice of psychology; and professional associations relating to other mental health professions such as social work. PESI is a formally organized group dedicated to providing professional development programs for psychologists, social workers and other mental health professions.

Utah Psychologists

Our programs, when applicable are designed to meet the requirements of the Utah Department of Commerce Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing for Psychologists. Please save course materials and supporting documentation in case it is requested by your board.

Vermont Psychologists

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by the Board of Psychological Examiners.

Virginia Psychologists

The Virginia Board of Psychology (S.18VAC125-20-122) confirms acceptance of programs by any continuing education provider approved by a psychological association or psychology board in another state or jurisdiction. PESI, Inc. is approved by the Kentucky Board of Examiners of Psychology to offer continuing education for psychologists.

Washington Psychologists

CE credit is available. This course consists of <> continuing education credit hours for Washington Psychologists. The Washington Examining Board of Psychology recognizes continuing education activities sponsored by regional or state psychological associations. PESI, Inc. is approved by the Ohio Psychological Association, Provider #263896894, to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. PESI, Inc. maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

West Virginia Psychologists

The West Virginia Board of Examiners of Psychologists’ Guidelines For Continuing Education confirm acceptance of continuing education programs from CE providers who are approved through NASP or State Boards or Associations of Psychology. PESI, Inc. is approved by the Ohio Psychological Association, Provider #263896894, to sponsor continuing education for psychologists.

Wisconsin Psychologists

The State of Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services under Wis. Administrative Code Chapter PSY 4 confirms acceptance of continuing education programs relevant to psychology by providers that are approved for Category 1 AMA credit. PESI is an accredited ACCME provider authorized to award credit by the AMA.

Wyoming Psychologists

The Wyoming Board of Psychology, Rules and Regulations, Chapter 8, section 2(b)(ii) confirms acceptance of programs approved by NASP. PESI, Inc. is approved by the National Association of School Psychologists to offer professional development for school psychologists. Provider #1140.

Radiology Technologists

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by The ASRT.

Respiratory Care Practitioners

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by The American Association for Respiratory Care for Continuing Respiratory Care Education (CRCE) credit.

School Counselors

School Counselors: General

Credit requirements and approvals vary per state board regulations. Please save the course outline and the certificate of completion you receive from the activity and contact your state board or organization to determine specific filing requirements.

California School Counselors

When applicable, our programs offer clock hours of continuing education instruction as accepted by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences. A full list of approval agencies accepted by the BBS can be found at under “Where to find CE Courses.” Credits do not apply towards the Pupil Personnel Services credential (PPS).

Georgia School Counselors

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by The Licensed Professional Counselors Association of Georgia.

School Nurses

School Nurses: General

Credit requirements and approvals vary per state board regulations. Please save the course outline and the certificate of completion you receive from the activity and contact your state board or organization to determine specific filing requirements.

California School Nurses

PESI, Inc. is a provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number 17118. Save your course outline and certificate of completion, and contact your own board or organization for specific requirements. Credits do not apply towards the School Nurse Services credential.

School Psychologists

School Psychologists: NASP


PESI, Inc. is approved by the National Association of School Psychologists to offer professional development for school psychologists. PESI, Inc. maintains responsibility for the program. Provider #1140.

California School Psychologists

Our programs, when applicable, offer clock hours of continuing education instruction as accepted by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences. A full list of approval agencies accepted by the BBS can be found at under “Where to find CE Courses.” Credits do not apply towards the Pupil Personnel Services credential (PPS).

Florida School Psychologists

PESI, Inc. is an approved provider with the Florida Office of School Psychology. Provider Number: 50-399.

School Social Workers

School Social Workers: General

Credit requirements and approvals vary per state board regulations. Please save the course outline and the certificate of completion you receive from the activity and contact your state board or organization to determine specific filing requirements.

Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB)

PESI, Inc., #1062, is approved to offer social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program. Organizations, not individual courses, are approved as ACE providers. State and provincial regulatory boards have the final authority to determine whether an individual course may be accepted for continuing education credit.

California School Social Workers

Our programs, when applicable, offer clock hours of continuing education instruction as accepted by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences. A full list of approval agencies accepted by the BBS can be found at under “Where to find CE Courses.” Credits do not apply towards the Pupil Personnel Services credential (PPS).

Sex Educators & Therapists

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by The American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT).

Social Workers

Social Workers (ASWB)

Association of Social Work Boards Approved Continuing Education Logo

PESI, Inc., #1062, is approved to offer social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program. Organizations, not individual courses, are approved as ACE providers. State and provincial regulatory boards have the final authority to determine whether an individual course may be accepted for continuing education credit. ACE provider approval period: January 27, 2023 - January 27, 2026.

Social Workers (NASW)

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by The National Association of Social Workers.

California Social Workers

The California Board of Behavioral Sciences accepts CE programs that are approved by other approval agencies, including several that approve PESI and its programs. A full list of approval agencies accepted by the BBS can be found at under “Where to find CE Courses.”

Canadian Social Workers

Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB)

Canadian provinces may accept activities approved by the ASWB for ongoing professional development. PESI, Inc., #1062, is approved to offer social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program.

Canadian Social Workers: General

Continuing professional development and continuing competency requirements for social workers vary by province/jurisdiction. Please retain the certificate of completion that you receive as proof of completion.

Colorado Social Workers

PESI, Inc. is an approved provider with the Colorado Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers. Provider #1413.

Florida Social Workers

PESI, Inc. is an approved provider with the Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling. Provider Number 50-399.

Illinois Social Workers

PESI, Inc is an approved provider with the State of Illinois, Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, Division of Professional Regulation. License #: 159-000154.

Kansas Social Workers

PESI, Inc. is an approved provider with the Kansas Behavioral Sciences Regulatory Board. Provider #14-006.

Louisiana Social Workers

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by the National Association of Social Workers, Louisiana Chapter as authorized by the Louisiana State Board of Social Work Examiners.

Minnesota Social Workers

PESI, Inc. is an approved provider with the State of Minnesota, Board of Social Work. Provider #: CEP-140.

Montana Social Workers

The Montana Board of Behavioral Health no longer pre-approves any courses or sponsors. Each licensee is responsible for taking courses which contribute to their competence and directly relate to their scope of practice as defined in board statute (MAR 24-219-32). Licensees must keep CE documentation for three years in case of an audit.

New Hampshire Social Workers

Credit requirements and approvals vary per state board regulations. Please contact your licensing board to determine if they accept programs or providers approved by other national or state licensing boards.

New Jersey Social Workers

Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB)

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by The Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program to be offered by PESI, Inc. as an individual course. Regulatory boards are the final authority on courses accepted for continuing education credit.

New Jersey Social Work Continuing Education Approval Collaborative

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by The New Jersey Social Work Continuing Education Approval Collaborative, which is administered by NASW-NJ.

New York Social Workers

PESI, Inc. is recognized by the New York State Education Department's (NYSED) State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers #SW-0008.

Ohio Social Workers

PESI, Inc. is an approved provider with the State of Ohio Counselor, Social Worker and Marriage & Family Therapist Board. Provider approval #: RCST071001.

Pennsylvania Social Workers

The Pennsylvania State Board of Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists and Professional Counselors accepts many national association CE approvals, several of which PESI offers. For a full list, please see your State Board regulations at

Washington Social Workers

Washington Mental Health Counselors Association (WMHCA)

Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by The Washington Licensed Mental Health Counselors, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists and Licensed Clinical Social Workers. WMHCA Provider #1504.

National Association of Social Workers (NASW)

The Washington State Department of Health confirms acceptance (WAC 246-809-610) of continuing education programs relevant to counseling that feature instructors, speakers or a panel approved by the National Association of Social Workers. Our programs, when applicable, are reviewed and approved by The National Association of Social Workers.

Speech-Language Pathologists

Speech-Language Pathologists: ASHA

ASHA CE approved provider

Please note that Speech-Language Pathologists and/or Audiologists must complete the post-test and evaluation within two weeks of completing an activity if they would like their participation submitted to the ASHA CE Registry. Detailed instructions will be provided the day of the program under the Handouts section of the online program.

California Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists

PESI, Inc. is an approved provider with the California Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Board, #PDP 319.

Florida Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists

PESI, Inc. is an approved provider with the Florida Board of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology. Provider Number: 50-399.

Kansas Speech-Language Pathologists or Audiologists

PESI is an approved provider of by the Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services.