Yes! Becoming a Certified Clinical Anxiety Treatment Professional demonstrates elevated competency in that you have met clear and established guidelines of training and experience. Some mental health providers take pride in developing a specialty in particular approaches, and obtaining a certification is one way to emphasize and give credibility to those efforts. Show clients and colleagues that your practice is based on leading-edge research in this complex area of mental health. For some, certification may help to distinguish themselves in the marketplace. Don't take our word for it. Here's what your colleagues have said:
- "...Certification has really boosted my clientele. Now, I have a full practice with an extensive waiting list because of it."
— Jack H. - "I love the certifications I have from Evergreen Certifications! I feel that it has helped me narrow my focus and be targeted in my training rather than choosing from the several trainings out there in various subjects. Now, I go to Evergreen Certifications to find out what may be helpful to add to my skillset, look at the recommended trainings and go from there!"
— Mary E. - "Evergreen certifications has helped me gain knowledge that enhances my work with clients and other professionals. A priceless investment!"
—Crecenra F.