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Robert Donatelli, PhD, PT

Robert Donatelli, PhD, PT is the Director of Out Reach Sports Program in Las Vegas, NV where he works directly with the UNLV hockey team and is responsible for the development of a post-concussion program and assessment and treatment of injuries. During his career, he has worked with an impressive list of sports teams as well as professional and Olympic athletes including Andy Roddick, Jimmy Connors, John McEnroe, Natalie Gublis, the Chinese Olympic Team, and most recently with Dan Uggla of the Washington Nationals. In addition to his accomplishments in the clinical arena, Dr. Donatelli has lectured both nationally and internationally as a keynote and has published over 30 articles in peer reviewed journals and published three textbooks; Physical Therapy of the Shoulder 5th EdOrthopedic Physical Therapy 4thed Biomechanics of the Foot and Ankle 2nd Ed and Sports Specific Rehabilitation 1st.


Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Robert Donatelli is the director of Out Reach Sports Programs. He receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.
Nonfinancial: No relevant nonfinancial relationships exist.

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